A Day in the Life: Morale Booster Betty


This week we conclude our series, A Day in the Life. In this series of three blog posts, we profiled a different employee and highlighted their typical day. This week, meet Morale Booster Betty…Are donuts really the key ingredient to a positive work culture?

A Day in the Life: Morale Booster Betty

Elizabeth, or Betty for short, is the HR Benefits Coordinator for a small advertising agency in Florida. She is responsible for helping employees manage their benefits, maintains the employee database, and helps out with internal communications. Betty also serves as the impromptu office party planner and has her finger on the pulse of the company culture.

Betty has been at the company for seven years and was one of the first few employees. She helped the CEO get the business off the ground and is one of his trusted advisors. She has played an integral role as the business has grown to almost 200 employees. While she doesn’t hold a senior title per se, she is considered a leader – the executive staff looks to her when they need a reality check and the employees know they can trust her. Betty is a highly engaged and productive employee and she has a positive influence on everyone around her – which is how she got her nickname, “Morale Booster Betty.”

On Fridays, Betty brings donuts from the local bakery. She keeps them on her desk and everyone knows they Screen_Shot_2014-09-24_at_3.48.29_PMcan stop by Betty’s office on Friday morning for a treat and a friendly chat. Since she manages the employee benefits, she knows most of the employees personally – whose spouse is dealing with a serious medical issue, who’s having trouble with their boss, whose child is struggling in school.  She also provides solid advice to employees around career advancement, the company’s strategic direction, and how to manage conflict in the workplace.

Betty loves her job and everything about it – she loves the employees, the management team, the clients and most of all, she loves being in HR. She is a people person and a peacemaker which serves her well in her role. Betty’s company uses an advanced HR system so she is able to focus on more strategic initiatives and doesn’t get sucked into the minutiae of HR administration.

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Her responsibilities, both on paper and the intangible ones, are deep, wide and complex – it goes way beyond donuts….She knows when she needs to ask a manager to back down from a fight, when the CEO is not speaking the employees’ language, or when it’s time to get rid of someone who is not a culture fit. Betty is the center of the firm’s positive work culture and works hard to cultivate and maintain it.

Betty understands that the company’s most important asset is its people. When it comes to HR and HCM, she continually reminds the leadership team that the first part of those acronyms is the Human part. She is empowered and empowering.


Are you getting the most of your employees? Is your HR Benefits Coordinator like Morale Booster Betty? Contact us today to learn more about how to Power Your People.